Beta Testing
I found myself surrounded by a throng of melting UN Special Forces agents and low level programmers. Next to me, Jen stood frozen in fear. Her face devoid of color, mouth agape, she had become a contradiction of the joyful, excited girl that had been my introduction to GobTrak just a day earlier.
“Come on,â? I reached for her arm; it was cold to the touch. “We need to get out of here right now.â? After a half-second of pulling she begrudgingly followed me towards the exit leading to the garage. Ignoring the cries—and hands grasping—for help, I scooped up an M16 that had been dropped by one of the dying agents.
“What’s happening to them?â? Jen asked as we ran through dead bodies as if they were toxic tires at a high school football tryout.
“It looks like the BioWeps Nano Swarm is in successful beta.â? I could feel her slowing, so I gave her arm an extra tug. They must have vaccinated us. But why? Why keep us alive? My suspicions growing, why keep her alive?