
Beta Testing

I found myself surrounded by a throng of melting UN Special Forces agents and low level programmers. Next to me, Jen stood frozen in fear. Her face devoid of color, mouth agape, she had become a contradiction of the joyful, excited girl that had been my introduction to GobTrak just a day earlier.

“Come on,â€? I reached for her arm; it was cold to the touch. “We need to get out of here right now.â€? After a half-second of pulling she begrudgingly followed me towards the exit leading to the garage. Ignoring the cries—and hands grasping—for help, I scooped up an M16 that had been dropped by one of the dying agents.

“What’s happening to them?â€? Jen asked as we ran through dead bodies as if they were toxic tires at a high school football tryout.

“It looks like the BioWeps Nano Swarm is in successful beta.â€? I could feel her slowing, so I gave her arm an extra tug. They must have vaccinated us. But why? Why keep us alive? My suspicions growing, why keep her alive?

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