
The Cauldron Bears

The companions were trying to move silently through the woods. Then the most bedraggled of them whispered, “Gurgi has buzzing ears and dreadful fears!”
They all stopped and listened. “Prydain throat bears!” murmured Coll.
“Yes, I recognized the style of singing,” said Fflewddur Fflam. A string of his harp twanged loudly as it broke. Then they heard the singers approaching them.
“The ‘throat’ doesn’t refer to the style of singing,” said Coll grimly, as he drew his sword. Taran unsheathed Dyrnwyn.
The bears drew close. Their appearance became hideously clear, as did the words of their song.
If you go down to the woods today
You’re sure of a big surprise
If you go down to the woods today
We’re going to eat your eyes.
For we’re the bears who’re cauldron-born
And you from limb to limb will be torn
Today’s the day the cauldron bears have their picnic!
Eilonwy recognized a teddy bear from her childhood. She would have stamped a foot in vexation had her former furry friend not already bitten off the foot in question.

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