
Jonas Part 42: Sweetly Sour

The nunja searched the room for empty seats. There were only two. One was next to Amanda, the other next to Carly.
Charlie, of course, took the one next to Amanda, leaving Sam the one next to Carly. Charlie gave Amanda a huge, sarcastic smile. “Happy to see me?” he asked.
“Freaking delighted.” She stated, glaring, before turning her perfectly pin-straight brown hair into a curtain to keep herself from looking at him as she tried to concentrate on her ‘notes’ (doodles.).
Samantha looked at Carly. She assessed her, then smiled sweetly. A genuine, sweet smile. “Hey! I know you! You’re one of the people that my brother and I hung with this weekend! Your name is Carly, right?” Carly nodded, and slowly smiled. Sam happily took her seat, and looked around, her smile growing every time she recognized someone.
I was actually starting to like her. CRAPP . And, I think everyone else was too. Especially the boys.
Maybe, just maybe, Charlie wasn’t so bad either…

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