

Fortunately, it’s past the time that hell forgot (AKA 3AM). It’s 5:20 AM. And the bird’s are chirping.

Spring has passed us by for a few moments and moved right into summer here. It’s been in the 90’s for the past few days. I don’t recall the last time I saw a sunrise, but as fate would have it, I’m up early this morning and am going to take the small pleasure of watching the sun come up on another day.

Hearing the birds chirp makes me long for sipping coffee on the front porch of my parents farm, sitting on a rocking chair just waking up. Mom and I used to have great talks just starting days like that. Hearing all the young baby birds squawking for food, watching the gray of night slowly lifting away as the fog lifts from your own brain.

There’s a sense of peace you get in the presence of sunrise. Not quite a kick-ass-and-take-names recharge. The sense that even the Earth needs its morning coffee and has to rub the sleep out of its eyes. In this, we are all are one.

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