
Lyrical Lovers

“You’re twisting in my head, leave me” she replied, her eyes were dull and lifeless.

“Remember your heart” I pointed at my chest, where I believe the heart was located.

“What’s worth keeping? The suns still sinking” she glanced out the window, the brief shimmer of the sun reflected in her eyes told me something.

“Run from the memory!” I pleaded, I stepped back into the room. It hurt seeing her like this.

“I want to be lonely, seconds pass slowly and years go flying by!” She screamed at me, rising from the bed where she had been laying.

“I don’t care that flowers grow for you and me…” I said, head down and heart broke, ” don’t know what love is.”

“True, it may seem like a stretch” she said softly, “but it’s thoughts like this that catch my troubled head when you’re away.”

“When did your heart go missing?” I said sharply, my fists clenched.

“Always assuming the wor-”

“This isn’t goodnight, this is goodbye” I cut in, confident that I was saying the most honest thing to her that I had ever said.

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