January 20, 2009
She grabbed the phone, and barked into the receiver.
“What do the polls show from the north side of Chicago? How are we trending with the 30-45 white males? Get back to me.”
“Terry, what does the weather report show for the Pennsylvania hills? You know that we need to do well in Appalachia to win this thing!”
“I need to see the position paper on NAFTA . Also, give me the binder on his votes while in the Senate.”
Appearing beside her, the aide tapped her on the shoulder.
“Ma’am, it’s time for your medication.“
“But I need to finish these calls now! It’s important!”
“You need to take your pills.“
She sat down, took a glass of water, and swallowed the pills.
“Maybe I’ll just take a little nap, I need to be fresh for the debate tonight.”
“You do that, ma’am, and I’ll leave you now.“
The nurse slipped out of the room and shut the door behind her.
She walked down the hospital corridor to the break room, to watch Obama’s speech on CNN .