
Swimming Into Deep Thoughts

Toby turned his head slightly, listening for new sounds, but he only heard the echo of dripping water. Pausing just a little longer to warm his toes on the rough, hot rock, he dived in search for food.

The water rushed past his slick skin. He flicked his feet every so often to turn, but mostly he kept his legs close, making a single fin of his body.

A tiny fish swam past, hardly worth his time, but Toby so wanted to return to that warm stone of the surface world. With a lurch, he lunged. His quarry never saw him.

Back on the stone, he felt the cool air dry him. He thought of the water world below, and the air world here. He wondered if there could be some other world, some other realm as different as water and air were from each other. He pondered his five senses, and wondered if there were more.

The hunger rose again, and Toby felt the air vibrate. Unseeing, he caught the bug in his mouth. As the cave echoed with the crunch, his sightless eyes reflected the possibilities of a newt’s imagination.

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