
The Gambit

“I think I have an idea,” said Felg, the one that always sort of stood there.
“Really, now.” Stebbing squinted. “Let me guess. Does it involve a wrench?”
Felg hid the wrench behind his back.
“Look here,” Ishno said, “we’ve got to do something about this fast. Somebody’s going to realize that-” He checked the name tag. “-that Hoddles is missing. And then what will we do? Pat them on the back, and ask politely for a do-over?
“We’ve got to get thinking here. That includes you, Felg, and keep the wrench as far from your thoughts as possible.”
They stood around for a moment. Something shuffled in he adjacent room, and they all jumped.
“Listen, mates, I know what to do,” Meathrop said, his voice shaking. “It’s a long shot, but it’s all we’ve got.”
Everyone shrugged.
“First,” Meathrop said proudly, “let’s find a place to hide the body…”

Several minutes later, Meathrop came running into the guard’s room, in full body armor. He stopped at the door, short of breath.
He shouted, “Somebody killed Hoddles!”

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