You Can't Beat Pirate Pete
Pirate Pete ascended the wooden spar of the main-mast
and grasped one of six dangling ropes. His tar soaked
black hair was plaited into a pigtail that bounced against the back of his peacoat jacket.
As he swung from the main-mast, he lost his grasp on the
laniard and plunged headfirst into the shark filled waters
below. Lady luck appeared to have turned her back on the
rugged mariner, as a coterie of blue sharks began to
encircle the plucky buccaneer. He took a deep breath and
faded beneath the surface of the sea.
He unsheathed his stilleto dagger and slammed into the nearest blue shark. It brushed against his arm and struck his torso with its tail in a rending slash, inflicting instant searing pain. As each shark drew near, Pete thrust the dagger deep into their respective underbellies. Soon 12 shark carcasses were floating belly up on the surface of the high seas.