Möbius Strip: The Prayer Wheel
Quiet she thought. Too quiet, dead quiet. Unnerving, dead quiet for a dead world. No people, no animals, nothing living save the lush plant life and occasional rustling of the wind through the trees. Holy silence broken only by the thunder of their footsteps echoing off the lonely walls of this dead, deserted city. Collatta had become a tomb and this city, a vast necropolis.
The wind whipped up little clouds of dust and leaves as Eric and Dreanna continued to follow the endless trail of bodies past empty shops and abandoned vehicles. Eventually they reached a clearing.
“This is it, city center.” Eric said.
What awaited them was a sight that stopped even the demigod in his tracks. The bodies were no longer randomly placed but lay prone, as if in prayer,in an elaborate pattern round a large black obelisk at city center.
As the pair entered the center, a form flickered into existence before the great obelisk, her eyes lifting to gaze upon them.
“Greetings!” the Avatar replied.