
Twice as fast [Make Me Laugh Challenge]

Bob crashed to the ground. His left leg landed first, his knee buckling under the sudden force. His left shoulder slammed down next, swiftly followed by his head. Bob’s tiny mind was crushed as pain flooded into every inch of his body. “FUCK! Fuck-fuckityfuck. JesusChristAlmighty!! Aghh! Shit!!”

“Bastard. Fuck. Bollocks.” Bob gasped for air. “I’m OK.”

He panted some more. “But Sensei, I can’t do this. Really.”

“Bob, don’t quit now. You’ve almost got it. I don’t teach my Superfast Flying Kick in the Hydraulics to just anyone, you know. Get up and try again. And remember: twice as fast as you physically can. I want to see some effort.”

Bob was a pro by now. On his sensei’s command, he immediately gathered his crumpled body back together, and leapt into the air.

Bob didn’t make a sound. Inside, his little soul screamed in agony as his face shattered the concrete post. Deep within Bob’s pain-numbed mind, he suddenly became aware of sliding down stone.

“Bob, your nose! Brake with your nose!”

Bob passed out.

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