

I jumped as the wooden bird’s beak split open and made a shrill chirp. My eye’s widened. Two wings broke off from it’s body and two tiny flames sprung up in it’s eyes and licked the sides of it’s head.

“Aah!” I yelled, dropping the now alive bird

The bird gave another chirp and fluttered to my shoulder.

“How’d you do that?” I said.

The Scarecrow gave a crackling shrug. “I made that bird so we can communicate any time. All you need to do is speak the bird as you would to me. Also, this bird can defend you, and has some of my powers. If the bird is not enough, the bird will call for me and I will be there.

I looked at the bird on my shoulder. “How is this thing gonna protect me?”

The bird gave an offended chirp and flew up. I watched in awe as the bird’s wooden form folded into a giant bear, that fell with a thud that shook the ground.

“Woah.” I breathed

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