
Stunned Silence

Stunned, I stood with my mouth open. The woman turned and looked very angry. I decided to continue in the direction I was headed, after the man, so as not to look suspicious.

The woman followed.

Where to go?

I saw the man at the end of a hall, enter a room. I scurried after him. I could hear her heels clack determinedly after us.

The room was sparsely furnished with a long table, two chairs, and a copier. The man turned around looking for somewhere to go. I tried to hide behind the door, not get involved at all, and not be seen.

I heard her steps grow louder and more ominous. She was almost at the door! I looked up to see what the man had decided to do, and he was gone!

The woman entered, looked around and then she simply vanished!

The shock and disbelief stunned my body into inaction. I don’t know how long I stood.

I somehow found myself entering the door my companions were safely being lectured behind, but don’t remember getting there. I sat beside them, but didn’t hear a word.

What just happened?

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