

With you I can never do anything right. I will do things that way that I have always done them and they have worked for me until now. With the way I have done things throughout my whole life are wrong. You should have did it this way. This is what you said in the conversation.

Then I think about yes you got a copy of the conversation but I was there when the conversation took place. Don’t tell me this is how I felt when I was writing it.

You can never be happy with the things that I do. Yes, I do make mistakes. But that is all you ever see and will I ever be more than that to you?

Do you not make mistakes and do I not just let them go? I don’t try and figure out what was going through your mind. I already know that you have made the mistake and that you know that you have made that mistake. I do not go and make it more than what it was.

Show me the same.
Never mind; it was a mistake. I’m letting it go.

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