
Just A Little Pain Medication

She breathed a sigh of relief, “Oh, Drew, we’ve been so worried.”
“We?” I asked hopefully.The answer wasn’t the one I was looking for.
“Yes, of course silly. Rendor’s here, and Uncle Irwin and his son Evers, and your friend George has been in an out too, as well as some girl from your school named Amelia? She seemed nice, although I haven’t seen her since… oh! I almost forgot, cousin Wilda!She was here too… and of all the bizarre things, George asked her on a date as they were standing here over you, crying… it was quite an odd moment. We all thought…” Mom took a deep breath, “We didn’t know if you were going to make it.”
I had the odd feeling she was trying to distract me, but my shock at her face hadn’t worn off yet, so I played along for her benefit.Plus, my head was aching.
“Please tell me she said yes,” I replied, trying to keep my tone light.
She giggled: a nervous, high-pitched giggle, “Oh yes, she did.”
I winced as the room started spinning in earnest again.
“Pain Meds!” someone yelled.

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