
Ridda's Impatience

Sioni’s eyelids fluttered open and her vision swam as she struggled to focus her eyes on the blurred image in front of her. Ridda’s concerned visage slowly took shape.

“Oh, praise heaven, Sioni, I thought for a second there…”

“Daughter, you’re awake! Have you seen your mother?” Sioni’s father was instantly at her side, taking her limp hand in his feverish fist.

“Mother?” Sioni repeatedly groggily. “Where is she?” She turned her head fretfully from side to side on the pillow, but she could only see Ridda and her father.

“Sioni, your mother left two days ago and we haven’t received word from her. I thought you might have come upon her, on your way here.”

Ridda interrupted with an impatient snort, “I already told you, man, we haven’t seen her. I was bringing your daughter back to you. Why would I lie?”

Sioni was befuddled, but not so much that she didn’t detect the hint of animosity that flared between her father and Ridda.

“Father, I’m safe thanks to her. Surely you know Ridda?”

But he shook his head.

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