

all day i was looking for an excuse to find you
to see you
i sit, as patiently as possbile, fidgeting, waiting for the bell to ring, wishing to be with you
waiting…waiting…GOD, still waiting
until, finally… YES !
i run out the door, friends try to talk to me, nothing but blurs
down the stairs, around the corner, and finally outside
and there you are someone thats happy to see me
god what a feeling, what a rush, when i see you
after all that waiting, just the sight of you makes me happier than i ever thought i could feel
touching you, being near you, hearing your voice
each brings its own rush
its own thrill
each time im with you is better than the last
i dont know what you did to me, or how you did it
but its absolutely amazing
and i cant wait to see you again

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