Just A Little Delusional
Drew… she whispered. I stared into her beautiful eyes. Her black hair swirled around her as she laughed at me, for I was speechless.
She danced away from me as I found my voice again, ‘Cynthia!’ I called out, ‘Come back.’
She laughed again, dancing farther and farther away, ‘Come and get me Drew! Come and join me!’
‘I want to!’ I yelled after her desperately, ‘wait! Just wait until I catch up! Take me with you! Please don’t leave me here!’
Her face turned sad, ‘I’m sorry Drew, but I can’t. It’s just too hard Drew, life’s too hard for me.’
‘No, No!’ I was screaming, ‘Please don’t give up, I’ll be right here, by your side, just wait!’
She shook her head softly, ‘Sorry Drew, goodbye.’
She faded away… a new voice was coming.
‘There he is! Oh God, please say he’s alive. Call the doctor’s! Now!’
I suddenly was aware of a dull pain that seemed to surround me. But then Cynthia was back again.
‘Follow me,’ she whispered seductively, I ran after her.
“No Drew! Stay with me!”
Cynthia faded again…