
The Defender - Our Purpose

“Maybe you’d be right if it were the 21st century, but were in the middle of the 24th century damn it! We’re not fighting Asian superpowers with radio airplanes. These bastards mutate our DNA ! ” Colonel Portis said.

“True Colonel, but you’re a line officer. I’m a starship pilot. I know what the Z-84 and what it can do. It doesn’t bother me that I’m a clone. I know that I will die. How and why – I’m fine with that. Life is more about experience and less about genetics… My gut tells me we can wipe them out. All of them.”

“Yes, Zakk, you and the rest of the 100,000,000 clones are unique in many ways. You know I’ve always gone along with that and-”

“I am just as human as you are.”

“Of course.”

“We are human, but we’re just expendable. Is that it?”

“The lives you’ve saved – my life even… All of the Defenders will go down in history as true heros. VTL !”

“VTL, Colonel, and thank you!”

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