
Möbius Strip: Past Imperfect - Part 2

Dreanna stood, surrounded by the ghosts of the past. We are in his memories, she thought. She reached to touch a nearby woman. The image rippled in the wake of her hand passing.

She could see Ker fighting his way into the plaza across the street. Then something else caught her attention, the obelisk was glowing.

He finally managed to claw his way into the central circle only to be nearly blinded by the blue-white light. He threw his hand in front of his face squinting to see through his half parted fingers. Was there something else in the light beside the Avatar? Impossible!

Oh God, what’s happening? People around him started to fall to the ground, forming patterns as they dropped. God no, They’re dying!

He tried to run but he couldn’t fight the flood of people. Then the voice “Join us Ker”. His nanotech was active! They sang in his mind across the link. He was falling, dying, there was nothing he could do.

She struggled to see in the light, was the Avatar looking at her?

“Our Dreanna!” it sang.

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