

hey, im not going to get mad at what you said
im not going to yell and scream like you think i should, or would
im not going to tell you that im hurt, im not going to tell you that you hurt me
what i am going to tell you is that
im tired
im so tired of all this drama you insist on making
im tired of you constantly complaining about everything that doesnt go the way you want it to
im tired of you still trying to hurt me
im tired of all this shit
im not insane A.L.A, im not acting anymore, im not playing games, im not like you
no, im not over anyone, im not going to say i am anymore
im not going to say that i forgot everything that happened between us
im not going to say that i forgot everything that happened between me and asrah
im not going to say im over thinking about what could have happened
i dont love the idea of love, before K.S, before you, i never thought about it, not really
i truly loved you
i truly loved asrah
i only tried to do what was asked of me
im sorry

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