American Music Talent Show prt II
“So Clarise, what did you think about your performance?,” the host asked.
“Well, Darren, I thought my version of I Will Always Love You was as good as any sung on this show, I’m not ashamed of my performance, sure I forgot some of the words, but..”
“Oh Clarise, you were outstanding,” Stella, the female judge piped in.
“Yo word up, baby, I may have been a lil harsh earlier, it was ok for me you did your thing, you brought it home.” said Andy the heavy set judge.
“Oh, come on people, that was a ghastly performance, it was like karaoke night on a senior citizen cruise ship. I have heard better sounds coming out of a leaky gas pipe in a wind storm during an amateur high school talent competition,” groaned Timon the block headed judge of the American Music Talent Show.
“Well there you have it America, tell us what you think about Clarise’s performance by voting for her if you want to see her back here next week on Your American Music Talent Show,” Darren shouted before they went to commercial.