
Meet the Girls

“Hey, Ana,” Lili greeted. Lili, Ana, and Rachel sat on the wide steps to Sheridan Hall High, sipping their morning iced coffees and waiting for their other best friend, Janie. Janie was the only one of them currently with a boyfriend. Christian, Janie’s two year boyfriend, dropped her off every morning. He was a year older, a senior, and captain of the basketball team. Every girl in school, including the senior girls, were jealous of Janie. Chris was by far the hottest of all the boys at Sheridan and was smart and sweet, too.
“Here she is,” Ana said, nodding in the direction of Chris’ shiny silver car. The three girls watched as Chris opened Janie’s door and held her hand as Janie walked over to her friends.
“I’ll see you at lunch, baby,” Chris said, kissing Janie on the cheek. Lili, Ana, and Rachel awwed. Chris chuckled and waved at them then made his way over to his friends.
“So what’s new?” Janie asked, sitting on a step.
Lili slid her sunglasses to the top of her head. “Why don’t you tell us?”

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