
Reeling Her In

She came over to my house after school. She had a nice face, nice smile, and big innocent eyes.

I wished I could find someone older, more developed, but she was the best I could get right now. Being a fifth grader with the hormones of a someone three years older had its disadvantages. Not even middle-school girls would go for me.

I took her hand. I yelled to the air, “I’m home!”

A resounding, “Go to your room!” yelled back. So I did. She looked at me and laughed. I’m not sure what was funny.

I let her choose a DVD and we played it from my Xbox. I put my arm around her and she leaned close. I tried to see down her shirt.

She’d picked a horror flick, rated R, and screamed at the opening scene. I told her she could hide her face on me at the scary parts. Once she did, I kissed her cheek. Surprised, she sat up and looked at me. So I swooped in and kissed her lips. She turned red.

“You like that?” I prodded.
“Wow. I mean, like, that was my, like, first kiss.”
“Really?” I paused. “I can do it slower.”

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