
One or the Other

For the whole day I walked around like a robot. I went threw the motions but my mind was somewhere else. I got home and went right to the pond, my place to think. Tons of thoughts ran threw my mind.

He likes me?

Does that mean our whole friendship has been a lie?

How long has he liked me?

Should I break up with Warren?

Should I call Drew?

Will he ever talk to me again?

I slip into a daydream with me and Drew. I picture us dancing at prom and he is as hot as ever. We lean into a kiss then I snap out of it.

Wait I like Warren! Not Drew, Warren. Or do I like drew? Well Warren’s got the looks, but Drew’s got the good personality. He is kind of hot too? Wait, what is happing? Do I like Drew? Oh my gosh I think I do.

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