My Double life...
She sat across of me & for the first time in our relationship I was afraid. I was always a couple of steps ahead of her, but not tonight, not this moment. She sat infront of me with pain in her eyes, I had a feeling she finally figured out what I was hidin or what world I was not telling her about. She looked at me holding back her tears & all I could do is watch her. All my relationships end this way, because women can’t handle their man taking care of business, but I thought she was different, I thought she was going to remain my escape, my secret place, but right now, it seems thats all over now. She’s going to break up with me & thats going to break up my heart.
“Baby, whats wrong?” I mutter, even though I completely know why she’s upset. Because I live a secret life, In PA I ’m a good student but in NY- I’m a straight thug, that robs & cheats people.
She did the unexpected, she got up and kissed me, and whispered, “When your ready… I got you”
I was so confused, but I understood she had my back.