
Castles in the Air

“Work faster!” I screamed at the heaving, sweating, writhing bodies. “It must be built before it all falls down!”

The castle teetered dangerously in the winds and I swayed on my perch. I hung on and glowered at the builders…well, slaves… um, FORCED LABOR , who were fearfully – and altogether too slowly for my taste – building the foundations of this great flying fortress.

The problem with the flying fortress is that, well, buildings can’t fly. Tell that to the fortress, ok? It doesn’t listen to me. In fact, I know you’re thinking I enslaved those poor people down there, but actually it was our flying buddy. It wants to fly free, but hey, little problem with gravity here. So now we’re all trying to figure out how to either make it fly in hopes it will let us free OR get it stuck in one place so we can all escape.

Yeah, right…it’s a giant, sentient flying fortress and it’s not stupid. We’re not getting out of here. We all know that. But hey, where there’s life there’s hope, right? Right…?

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