
Nowhere to Hide

When we were inside and out of reach of the ever-present surveillance systems, I pushed Amy and Jenna into a narrow closet by the entryway, put my hand over Amy’s mouth, and said, “Listen to me. Right here – they can’t see or hear us here – don’t say anything. Just listen to me.”

“But Carl, I’m scared. Your face, Carl. What will they do to your face? Who will you be when you return?” Amy whispered, eye to eye with me.

“Just stop! There are lots of things I don’t know about this, but it’s not me I’m worried about. When I’m gone, don’t do anything to draw attention to yourselves. Do you hear me, Amy? Jenna? Don’t say anything to anybody about me or the Corporation, Incorporated or any of the people you met today. It’s very important. Say you understand me, Amy. I need to hear you say that you understand me, Amy.”

She began to sob, nodded her head to acknowledge, and then dropped to her knees in front of me.

“Daddy?” Jenna whispered. “He’s here. That man in the mask is here right now! Look by the kitchen!”

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