
We Will Remember Sarah Myles

”...Sarah has died. I know….oh, please, don’t cry, girls. I’ve done enough of that for all of you… I know it is hard. Sarah was a wonderful girl. But she is happy now, and she is better there. All we can do is know she loved us. And we can paint a mural at the Sweet Candy Shoppe.” Many girls wiped their eyes. “Sarah was more than just your everyday candy clerk! She was more! She was a friend!” shouted France. France, who helped at the candy shop and was being trained by Sarah.
Everyone joined in at painting the mural, France, the best artist, painted Sarah, with her long, flouncy brown hair, her fair skin and blue eyes, and that warm smile, and everyone else drew candy and hearts around it. Sarah’s mother wrote “We will remember Sarah Myles”.
Sometimes, as France replaced Sarah at the shop, It felt as if Sarah was right there, sneaking quarters in the bubble gum machine and sharing her two bubble gum pieces with France.

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