
I am Jock

I blinked, trying to clear my head which had suddenly become sort of foggy as she asked her question, her eyes soft. “I… um…” I stuttered, and in a sudden burst of honesty I muttered, “I was thinking about what a horrid person I am.”
She looked slightly surprised by my answer, “Why?”
Maybe she hadn’t been thinking about it then… huh… “Because I smiled when my Girlfriend got a detention… not that she didn’t deserve it in the end, the cheating little bitch, but at the time…” I trailed off.
She looked thoughtful, “Maybe you knew all along.”
“What?” I asked, confused.
“Often, we know things subconsiously,” she explained in a patronizingly patient tone, “So maybe you knew that she was bitch, but didn’t realize it consciously yet.”
I shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Maybe,” she scoffed.
I watched her for a second, “That was rather introspective, you know.”
She blinked, “Ok… first of all did you just compliment me? and second, did you seriously just use the word introspective?”

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