Now I’m kind of confused again. I thought Benny was the “ghost in the machine” as it were. I may need to go back and re-read this from the beginning to sort it all out. The good thing is that you’ve done such a great job, I won’t mind reading it a second time. And I agree with both Kev and JM. Great action scenes, this most recent one especially.
Nah, it’ll come clearer here in the next few entries, but I’ll clear it up a little. There’s three characters so far: Benny, who is a “bagman,” or a criminal courier. The character in this entry is the voice in Benny’s head, who is a person apart from the scene who is working on the net to coordinate Benny with his surroundings and employers. And Kent, a pilot for a news agency (New Orleans Worldwide News).
Ok, I think I got the two mixed up before. I thought Benny was the voice inside the head. Not sure why. It’s probably because I’m from Canada, and they think I’m slow, eh? Sorry, Simpsons reference I couldn’t resist using.
You’re CANADIAN !? That explains a lot. Haha…just kidding, man. Nah, Benny’s not schizo, he’s actually got someone patched into his head, talking to him.
Actually I’m just slow, so people think I’m Canadian. That was a line from a Simpsons episode. I use it when I need to admit that I’m not so quick on the uptake. About 20 seconds in on this video:
Wow, that has got to be the coolest thing I’ve found out this month. This ficlets turns up as #1 on a google search with the exact phrase “Through a Killer’s Eyes.” I’ve been googleized.
Anyway, dude, I’m not sure how I can help ya. Throw me a note with what you’re gunning for, and I’ll see if I can throw some ideas at you. I’m no artist though, just a regular joe with a part-time writing fetish.
well im trying to create pieces that resemble what a killer might think. since they obviously think of everything differently. but i mean its hard to know what someone like that thinks of. maybe a morbid piece but not violent. just subtly resembling something violent.
if you dont have any idea what im talking about or what feedback to give its okay. haha. its a hard topic. i always have hard topics for art =\ i just have to have an idea in sketch by friday. :P
John Perkins
John Perkins
John Perkins