
I am Jock

As we headed out to the cars I suddenly realized that this wasn’t going to work… neither of our cars were big enough for all of us and I doubted Ceirra wanted to be with Shyam, and Jira without Shyam. I leaned over to Ceirra and muttered in her ear, “Pretend to be amazed by my car.”
She pulled a face at me, “I’ve seen it before.”
I chuckled, “Ok, if you prefer going with Shyam…”
She made another face. As soon as we reached the car, Ceirra started acting… and she acted good. (wait, was that grammatically incorrect? Oh well…)
“Oh. My. God. Is this a Solara?” she shrieked.
“Yeah,” I said proudly, “Got it for my birthday.”
Ok, not totally true, but that’s ok.
“No way,” she said, feigning shock, “Can I sit in it?”
I noticed Anima on the side, trying to hold in her laughter, Jake looked slightly annoyed (He’d been jealous of my car as soon as the I-get-to-ride-to-school-in-a-convertible high had worn off… we carpool). Shyam looked upset.

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