
Class Begins

The two reach the classroom. With minutes to spair. They join the other kids, already seated at the desks.

They both sit down and face the blackboard. The teacher observes the classroom as the students file in. Mr. Davis was a tall, thin middle aged man. He wore khaki pants and a grey button down shirt. He didn’t really look like your average teacher. There was nothing nerdy about him.

Rachel observes him, she notices he has spiky brown hair and an earring in his right ear. She notices that he walks with a smooth confident gait.

After she feels comfortable she observes the other students in the class. Since she sat in the very back. They were all seated infront of her.

The bell finally rings. The room becomes quiet. “Ok, folks quiet down. I would like to welcome, our new student. Would miss Rachel Jhonson please stand up.

Rachel lets out a brief sigh, before she stands up. “Welcome Rachel”. He encourages the class to echo him. “Where are you from, Rachel?” “Texas” She responds.

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