
The Gift

Doina held the child closer, but Alex nodded. “Please accept our deepest apologies, Lady Opara, we meant no insult. You live quite a distance, and-”

“Fool, silence before you’re caught in your lies.” The agin woman spat, her eyes flickering with some fierce emotion. She stepped forward, reaching out with a gnarled hand, surprisingly gaunt for her tall stature. “Here, pet… Little Aurora, I give you a beautiful gift, one that should be appreciated.” She paused, glancing around the room for dramatic effect.

“S-stop this. She’s just a child.” Doina whispered, pleading, but the Lady Opara only laughed, and continued.

“The river may run forever, and the sun may rise and set for all eternity, but human life is much shorter.” Her lips curled into a menacing smile, “Aurora will know happiness and beauty, that is true, and she will experience much of the world.” Doina relaxed, the gift was not a grim one, “She will be betrothed, to one with power.” She grinned, “But on her 16th birthday, she will die.”

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