Apparently God has a Sense of Irony
I hadn’t seen him in ten years, but when I did, I turned and hid behind a rack of books at Borders. As I crouched down behind the books, I realized that they were self help books. I looked up at the heavens, or in this case flourescent lights, and muttered to myself,
“Real funny God. You and me, were gonna have a talk later. You just wait till Sunday.”
Then I slowly got up and looked around to see if he’d left. Not seeing anything, I turned around; in turn running straight into him and proceeded to fall straight back down.
He laughed and asked, “So what have you been doing lately?”
“Oh you know, this and that…” came my lame response.
“Do you need a hand?”
“NO! Umm, I mean no thank you, I got it.” I stood up, grabbing the shelf behind me. As I pulled myself up, gravity betrayed me, and all the books fell off of the display. Real smooth… I thought to myself.
I stood there flustered, waiting for him to say something, anything.
“Want to get a drink sometime?”
Ok, so maybe anything BUT that.