

“Do you know what time it is?” I asked him.
“Uh..” he checked his cell, “Its 4”09 in the mornin’.”

I sat on the chair that was diagonal from him and turned on the T.V. , “Do you mind?” I asked.
“Nah maybe it’ll put me to sleep.” He laid down on the couch, and faced the T.V.. i could see his muscles through the semi tight white shirt. His tan six pack..his hard biceps. I bit my lip but then i turned towards the T.V., i kinda doubted breaking up with him..even though he cheated on me. I curled up in the chair and changed the channel. Spongebob…Paid Programming..and then i saw Family Guy and kept it on. I loved Family Guy..especially the episode where Stewie is called the devil cause he spat up the Eucharist.

Aiden and I laughed at Peter Griffin. We laughed so hard that it woke up Lexie and she came downstairs. “Oh sorry.” We both said.
“Whatever.” Lexie said grumpily.

After another episode of family guy..Lexie and Aiden fell asleep and i could feel myself dozing off… -

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