
I Am Finally Me. [I am...Poetry Challenge]

I am whole.
I wonder how I ever could’ve been the girl I once was.
I hear the echoes of the past as they remind me of my journey, my metamorphosis.
I see the images of our story dance across my memory.
I want to write it all down, for I have the right perspective.
I am outside it all now.

I pretend that I was always this way.
I feel like I can fly.
I touch the hearts of so many, so easily.
I worry no longer about “forever” and “always”. I no longer need to hold them close, as I can depend upon myself.
I am invincible.

I understand that I was learning to be.
I say to myself, “I was a child.”
I dream now, not of you, but of the whole wide world, and how I am to be an improver of it.
I try to share my utter joy with others, as it is impossible to hoard.
I hope you don’t regret any part of this year, and that you can operate knowing that your kindred spirit is someone else then when we first began.
I am finally me.

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