
Make Me Laugh Challenge Results: The Tournament of Champions (Top 4)

The Top 4:

Serious Misgivings vs. The Duel

Lame Clown vs. Adrenaline Junkies

Eliminated (And Why I Liked ‘em):

It Wasn’t Funny – Not only made me laugh, but also in effect satirized the challenge itself, and the line: Derrick won’t talk about it, but he kind of shudders now when he sees balloons was possibly the best single line of the challenge.

Demands – Hilarious. Charlie Brown and Jon holding out for better roles. Standout line: “And I want more scenes with the little red-headed girl. And it better go somewhere. I want a kiss, full tongue, none of this on-the-cheek bullshit.”

A Comprehensive Guide To Middle School Life – I wonder if I’m the middle-aged guy who smells like onions? A very fun way of categorizing middle school life. I loved the satirical edge and playful tone of this helpful guide. The sequels were even funnier.

A Reading From the Book of Lucas – Is George Lucas God? Some great playfully blasphemous material. I loved respect thy divine guru, you must.

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