Chilti Yolcatl
“So what does it look like?” Tlaloc asked, watching the ladybug go about it’s business. It crawled from leaf to leaf, not seeming to notice that the rain had started. It was a light rain, at first.
“What ever do you mean?” replied Xochiquetzal, butterflies surrounding her and coming to light on her skin, forming almost a garment of iridescent color. “Don’t your implants allow you normal sight?”
“Well, normal sight in that I can see everything, I can discern shapes and textures. I can detect the edges of things. I can perceive the amplitude and frequency of electromagnetic radiation around us. But I’m still not sure if I can see yet. Does that make sense?” Thunder could be heard in the distance, the ladybug still took no notice of the coming storm.
“Of course, my dear.” Xochiquetzal answered, bending down close to the insect. “For starters, it’s red.”
“But red still means nothing to me. I can see that it has this energy, but it still looks to me like colorless energy bouncing off colorless energy.”