
Remembering to Call Mom

I drive home humming to myself, hop out of the car, and head inside. Well, I could make myself something to eat… I notice that I have five new phone messages. Instantly I don’t feel up to it. Pizza then. I go to find the phone book. Once I’ve ordered the pizza I listen to my messages.
Hi Honey! I’m surprised you haven’t called yet… your father and I are worried…
I skip the rest of that one.
Hello dear! Haven’t you got my other messages?
Honey? I’m beginning to wonder if I have the wrong phone number… if this isn’t the residence of Paige
Paige, if I don’t hear from you in the next hour I’m buying the next ticket to
Paige! I don’t care if you’re still settling in, you need to call your parents now! I am…

I sighed and picked up the phone. Here’s to a happy conversation-to-be.

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