
What have I gotten?

Scarlet sat in the shadows of an alleyway. Her beating heart slowed gradually. As the last sound of sirens passed, she let out a breath. She didn’t dare go into the streets yet. Instead, she began to climb the fire escape. How I am supposed to help people if they don’t want my help? The large bag of money could tempt anyone.

The makeup, the costume; they all could be taken off. The guilt, that was her skin. For years, she convinced herself that she was doing no wrong. So, why now? Scarlet had to ask herself. Charlie often talked about questioning people’s morals. “Do you question my morals?” her eyes had pleaded. Don’t think about him! she scolded herself. She found that this fire escape had made her lonelier than ever. And what about your parents? she asked herself. “What about them?!?” Scarlet said aloud. Proudly, she took up her bag, and dropped it in a can that read “Help the City’s Homeless”. What have I gotten for my help? she couldn’t stop herself from wondering…

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