
Once an Idiot, Always an Idiot.

It was a short break from the trials of Shigure, but all the same I missed him. A lot. I didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. He was about to come back from family related business. I didn’t know what I was expecting. A knight in shining armor? Yeah, right. He was an idiot.

“Akki!” he greeted me happily, grinning his stupid yet charming grin.
“Hello, Shigure.” I replied as we exchanged a brief hug. “How was your trip?”
“Utterly boring! I had no time to go sight-seeing, I couldn’t get the book I wanted! I suppose I’ll have to stop by Mayu’s. Haasan won’t be happy.”
“So, what about now? I’ve missed you.”
“Yes, yes.” he waved his hand wearily. “First, I need to sleep. Then I’m going to go to Aaya’s. After that, I need to run a few errands.”
“Sorry, dear.” he laughed. “I promise, some day. When I have the time. But not now.”

I was stupid to think he could change. Defiantly not a knight in shinging armor. Or anything close, for that matter.

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