Ok, yeah I agree with MyNameIs… friends won’t notice huh.. how sad is that,i am lucky mine ground me and keep me from running away from it all or worse in times of strife.
Very sad that she feels so disconnected from her friends and such weight of emotion about her life. If she does run, will her problems discover her soon enough?
I made a challenge that involves sequeling old ficlets. Yours inspired me to write one. I hope you like it. I definitely enjoyed reading this, and agree with the others, painfully depressing.
I don’t know this feels a bit like a depressed teenager who never grew up, if your friends all suck -get new ones -if they suck -look at yourself . Either you’re boring or annoying , or not a very good friend in your own right. The answer to personal happiness issues is never geographic -travel the road within ! Sorry if this seems harsh but I grew up with these girls and they are never really as sad as they tell themselves they are…
John Perkins