Got some really cool, interesting stuff here. Great entry. Two minor quibbles. The first is that you probably meant “straight.” “Strait” is a channel of water, like a very small river. Second, it should be “started to probe the specter.” I’m really interested to see where you’re going with this. We now see Dreanna’s importance in all of this, but what’s Ker doing still alive? I’m sure he’ll end up playing a significant role before this is all said and done.
Again, great edit work John. Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in one tense and then decided to rewrite it, leaving a word orphaned in the previous… hence probe vs probed. I have evil plans for Ker… (he says while pushing horns back in).
Wow, I liked this one a lot. Some great visual imagery. Also, in your comment, “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in one tense and then decided to rewrite it…” Even if you didn’t do that on purpose, it’s hilarious!
John Perkins