
Macy 82: Memories

Shane had brought Macy to the meadow for the first time. “So what do you think?â€? They were in his car, but Macy never spoke. “You know what?â€?

“Shane, don’t.â€?

He was locking the doors and he turned to Macy, jumping on top. She fought and kicked and writhed, but he was stronger. Her screams were drowned out by his hand covering her mouth.

A silent struggle against Shane wasn’t even worth it. He would win, but for a second, his hand disappeared from her mouth, reaching for a Trojan. “Shane, I DON ’T want to do this.â€? Macy pled. She couldn’t move from under him so there was no use.

Macy’s flashback stopped for a second. She looked over at Shane. Surely he was trying not to remember how that large mark got on her leg. Surely, but not true.

Shane was hammering himself inside, over what could happen now and Macy suddenly realized it. She reached for the door, pulling up the lock. As she spilled out of the car, there was Macon. “Don’t go now, I know you were getting to the good part.â€?

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