
After the Fight (Part 1)

I open my eyes and I found myself on a bed. My head was aching so much. I sat up and looked around. I was at the clinic in my school. It was kind of peaceful here. No noise, everything is clean, and no one to bother you.
I heard a knocking noise and Grace came inside.
“Hey sleepy head,” she said.
“How long have I been out?”
“Mm… About an hour, maybe 2.”

2 hours? Wow.

Grace sat down next to the bed and told me what happened. After I got knocked out, she said that Josh ran away. No one knows where to though.
“He could be anywhere,” Grace said.
I paused for a sec and realized what he has said earlier about Lauren.

Is he going to do something to her?!?

“Hey, I have to go!”
“Ryan, you need to rest!”
“Grace, if I don’t go, someone important to me will get hurt,” I said with a shaky voice. I was starting to freak out and heard a knock on the door and saw Lauren come in. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her.
“I’m glad to see you are alright,” Lauren said.
“Same goes for me…” I replied.

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