Christmas Stranger Pt. 3
“I have too many secrets.” The mischievous grin came again.
Ana realized she was starting to fall for this ‘stranger’. “Is that so? Well then, I guess you’ll have to tell me some of them.”
“Here’s one,” said Mark, “I fall for strangers in robes.”
Ana smiled. “I have a secret, too. I fall for people who come to my house in blizzards.”
“Then I guess we’re a perfect match.” Mark stated the fact as if he were telling someone the weather.
“I suppose we are, too.” Ana agreed.
“Madam, could I escort you to the sofa?” Mark used the accent again.
“Oh, yes, kind sir.” The sofa was right by the fireplace. Ana took the blanket she was using for herself and spread it out between the two of them.
• • • • •
Sometime, very early in the morning, Ana woke up for a moment. She was on the couch with a warm figure by her. Ana was too tired to think who it might be, so she drifted back to sleep for a while…