
Teh Hax0r

> hey bb howr u?

Anya hated getting IM’s like this. It was always some mouth breathing retard wanting to do something perverted.

> What do you want?

She had about a half dozen other windows open already, and would need some major convincing to fork her attention again for some weirdo.

> its rilly imprtnt.

> Is it important enough to spell correctly? I mean, you do have spell check, right?

> no i dont. hay its pete.

Ah, Pete. Anya wondered how he had gotten her screen name. Probably from his sister. Well she had more important things to do than get chatted up by her friend’s pimply brother. Guh.

Namely, she was about thirty lines of code away from setting up automation to download 200 Gigs of data from a number of OPEC machines that would prove that the oil reserves were, in fact, depleted. Geological surveys, satellite maps, complex mathematical models, giant databases. All would fit on her keyfob.

> Pete, I’m really busy right now. What do you want?

> its gwen. she got arested :(

Oh fuck.

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