The Flying Pig I Met One Day
One day I was sitting cloud watching when I saw somthing that did not look like a cloud. It was pink, has a spiraly puny tail, and even has wings! I did not know what it was, I just could not figure it out. Until, it hit me! I had come to a decision on what the mysterious flying thing was! It was a flying pig!
I tried getting its attention, to make it land but it would not come down. So, I went home and retrieved some flying pig bait (vegetables, stuff a regular pig would like), and brought my things I had gathered to the hill I was cloud watching at. I tried yelling “here flying pig, here flying pig!” But it did not work. Then I just threw some up in the air high and the flying pig caught some of the bait and came down.
When the flying pig came down I was surprised to see and hear that the flying pig could acctually talk! She told me her name was Rose.
Me and Rose spent the rest of the day together and we played together until we both were elderly and could not play anymore.