My new neighbor was so unhappy. Right after they moved in she began to grab my ear with complaints about her husband when she’d catch me on my back porch. Said he didn’t allow her to have a friend, that he was abusive, flaunted his other women , called her ugly names.
She began to borrow things daily;complaining about him bitterly as I handed over stuff she needed; coffee, sugar, evaporated milk, toilet tissue , laundry soap. Small things to share with one so unhappy. She smoked. I drew the line when she wanted ciggarette money- .being a nonsmoker
She didn’t work, said she had a hernia. Said he was unsympathetic and nagged her about being lazy..
Thanksgiving Day, he was drunk and furious. She had not worn a HAIRNET when she fixed his plate of food .. He passed out.She came to my door; wanted to leave him,So I suggested women’s resources. “No.”Said she’d been to shelters before. Couldn’t she stay with me? I declined. Days later, I saw her smoking on her porch, She was wearing a hairnet.